We wanted to brew better beer. So we invented the pH scale.
Is brewing probably the best beer in the world an art....
...or science?

We believe it’s a bit of both.
We proved this in 1909 when, in our pursuit of making better beer, we invented the pH scale – now a global scientific standard used to measure the acidity and alkalinity of any given substance.
What's just as good?
By giving us a way of measuring the perfect acidity level of water used for brewing, the pH scale allows us to brew consistently great tasting beer.
Open source in the
true sense of the word.
Open source in the
true sense of the word.
We didn't do it for the publicity. After all, it was 1909. We simply believe that just like great beer, great ideas are for sharing.
A colourful breakthrough.
The bright and simple pH scale is now the standard, and a useful device in many fields - including education, medicine, food science, and, of course, brewing.
5 ways the pH scale
changed the world
What exactly is measuring acidity and alkalinity of a given substance good for? As it turns out: Quite a lot. Here are 5 ways the pH scale invention changed the modern world.
Did you know
Did you know
S.P.L. Sørensen was nominated for a Nobel prize in chemistry and physiology and medicine for his invention of the standardized pH scale, but never won.