In our nature
since 1883.
When we discovered how to purify yeast for
better beer at the Carlsberg Research Laboratory
in 1883, our founder J.C. Jacobsen decided to share
this breakthrough freely with other brewers.

Which means?
Every good beer in the world probably has a bit of our know-how in it.
It all started with a simple question:
Can we brew better beer?
Before purified yeast: Beer sickness made brewing a hit and miss process.
In the early days of brewing beer, so called "beer sickness" was widespread. Brewing was an unpredictable process that often resulted in undrinkable beer.
After purified yeast: Quality beer from every brew.
Fixed on curing the sickness, Emil Chr. Hansen, head of the physiology department of the Carlsberg Research Laboratory, discovered that purifying the pitching yeast used during the brewing process was the cure. Now, every brew would yield beer of the consistent, high quality we still enjoy to this very day

Emil C. Hansen - purified yeast.
Head of the physiology department of the Carlsberg Research Laboratory
Thanks - but no thanks: A famous brewer sends his regards to J.C.
After J.C. Jacobsen sent shipments of the purified yeast to other brewers, they thanked him personally. Even though one famous brewer actually liked other yeasts a bit better.


Sharing. A fundamental part of the Carlsberg recipe.
We gave the pure yeast away for free to other brewers, so that everyone could benefit from it. You see, sharing is part of our culture. We believe that our inventions should be shared with the world, for the common good of all of us.